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Privacy Policy





Effective Date: October 16 2009

Last Revised: October 16 2009

I. General

A. The parties referred to in this Privacy Policy are B4WEB SL and You, an individual.

1. B4WEB SL - is the Publisher and Operator of the Website:; and, B4WEB SL is the Publisher and Operator of the Websites and (individually and collectively, "SITE"). B4WEB SL (individually and collectively, "Publisher") provides access, through the Internet, to various electronically transmitted resources, which may include, but are not limited to, the SITE, message boards, discussion forums, chat facilities, and file exchanges (individually and collectively, "SERVICES"). When first-person pronouns are used in this Privacy Policy, (Us, We, Our, Ours, etc.) these provisions are referring to Publisher.

2. You - As the individual end-user of the SITE, this Privacy Policy will refer to You as the "User" or as "You" or through any second-person pronouns, such as "Your," "Yours," etc.

B. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter "Policy") describes how We use information received about You when You subscribe to Our SERVICES and/or when you visit Our SITE. The terms and conditions of this Policy shall not apply to any information that We receive from or about You other than through Your use of the SITE.

II. Revisions to this Policy

You hereby agree that We have the unilateral and unequivocal right, but not the obligation, at any time, to revise all or any portion of the Policy. You further agree that any such revised Policy supersedes any prior version of the Policy and is a valid and binding agreement, immediately upon posting, with or without notice to You. Thereafter, any prior version is of no continuing legal effect.

We agree that if We change anything in the Policy, We will update the "Last Revised" date at the top of the Policy. You agree to re-visit this Web page on a weekly basis and to use the "refresh" button on Your browser to determine whether changes have been made to the Policy since the last time You read it. If the "Last Revised" date has changed, then You agree to immediately read the Policy in its entirety, and if You do not agree to its terms and conditions, you shall immediately cease use of the SERVICES and/or SITE.

Waiver - if You fail to determine if the "Last Revised" date has changed, or to otherwise read and approve any revised terms or conditions of the Policy, You assume all responsibility for such failure or omission and You agree that such failure or omission amounts to Your affirmative waiver of any defense or claim based upon Your right to review or agree to the Policy

III. Information that We Collect

The type of information which We collect about You depends upon whether You subscribe to Our SERVICES and/or how You interact with the SITE:

A. Members - "Members" are those individual end-users who subscribe to Our SERVICES. Members provide their name, date of birth, address, phone number, Driver's License or Passport Number, email address, credit card information (via Our third-party billing processor), spoken languages, and other billing information. Information collected from Members also includes any information collected from Posters and Browsers (defined below).

B. Browsers - "Browsers" are those individual end-users who view the SITE, but never enter into any active data collection pages. Any information gathered from Browsers is also gathered from Members. Information collected from Browsers is restricted to age verification, cookies, IP Addresses, web browser Information, Geographic Location, Referral URLs, and other passive information gathering devices (explained below).

C. User - The term "User" may be used to refer to Members or Browsers.

IV. A Special Note about Children.

Consistent with the U.S. Child Online Privacy Protection Act, we do not knowingly collect or solicit data from anyone under thirteen (13) years of age.

V. How We Collect Information from You

A. Passive Collection - We use cookies to collect information about You in order to enhance Your experience on the SITE. The information collected in Our cookies includes, but is not limited to, Your IP address, Your geographic location and other session data.

B. Active Collection - We collect information from You when You verify your age at any registration page or other page containing the Birth Date VerifierTM form, or if You complete any other forms to become a Member on Our SITE. Locations for such collection are registration pages, such as,,, other such pages on the SITE, or - in the case of billing information - through our third-party billing processor.

VI. How We Use Your Information

We use Your information to provide You with a customized experience on the SITE, to provide SERVICES You have requested and to facilitate payment for those SERVICES. We also use Your information to allow You to log in and out of the SITE, to participate in the chat function of the SITE and to otherwise access areas of the SITE reserved for our SITE's Members.

VII. Disclosure and Special Circumstances

It is Our policy not to use or share the personal information about You in ways unrelated to those described in this Policy. However, We may disclose personal information about You, or information regarding Your use of the SITE or SERVICES, for any reason if, in Our sole and exclusive discretion, We believe that it is reasonable to do so. Such reasons may include, but are not limited:

1. To satisfy any international, federal, state or local law (such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act), rule, regulation, ordinance or governmental, or legal requests for such information; or

2. To disclose information that is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating Our Acceptable Use Policy or other agreements or policies; or

3. To operate Our SERVICES; or

  1. To protect Us, Our Members or Browsers, or the general public.

We specifically reserve the right to disclose any and all information to any governmental agency in the event that a crime is alleged to have been committed, is suspected, or if We are compelled to do so by any governmental agency including by lawful criminal, civil, or administrative process, discovery requests, subpoena, court order, writ, or reasonable request of authorities or persons with the power to obtain such process.

We will always cooperate in the above-stated circumstances or with any governmental agency, private-party litigants, and others seeking information about Our end Users to the extent required by applicable law.

VIII. Transmittals from Us

We may send You emails regarding or related to Your status as a Member. In the event that a Member no longer wishes to receive such emails, including newsletters, then the User may opt-out by emailing the SITE at Additionally, using the Member profile menu, You may delete Your account at any time and therefore stop receiving transmittals from Us.

If You provide Your information to Us, use the SITES, or subscribe to any of Our SERVICES, You will have created a commercial relationship with us. In having done so, You understand and agree that even unsolicited commercial email sent from Us is not "SPAM" as that term is defined by law.

IX. Public Forums, Member Directories, and Internal Messaging.

A. Forums -The SITE contains public forums and/or chat functionality, and We provide SERVICES that allow Members to post messages on the SITE, and/or to the membership at large. Any information so posted should immediately be considered to be public information. You should not post any information on a public forum or otherwise that You do not wish to disclose to the general public.

B. Member Directories - Any information provided in a User profile, Member directory, or other related service should be considered to be public information. We do not, cannot, and will not act to maintain the privacy of any information that You provide in any such forum, directory or medium.

C. Internal Messaging - We currently provide an internal messaging system for use between Members of Our Site. Please note that any information that You send via this internal messaging system should not be considered secure, and should not be considered to be private information. You should use caution when sending any personal information over an internal messaging system, and You should not transmit any information that You would not wish to see disclosed to the general public.

X. Our Commitment to Data Security.

We take measures to protect the transmission of all sensitive end-User information. All billing data is kept on a private billing server (i.e. a private database) that no unauthorized party can see or access. You, the User, solely decide what parts of Your personal information will remain private or will be publically accessible, through Your choices in the "User Settings" portion of the SITE. We make reasonable, good faith efforts, consistent with industry standards to ensure the integrity and security of Our network and systems. Nevertheless, We cannot guarantee that Our security measures will prevent third-party hackers' or others from illegally obtaining Your information. We take reasonable, good faith measures, consistent with industry standards to prevent such breaches of security, but given the resourcefulness of cyber-criminals, We do not guarantee Our security. You agree to assume the risk of any such breach or disclosure of Your information.

XI. How to Access or Modify Your Information.

We offer Our Members the opportunity to access or modify information provided during registration through their own Member profile, within the "Member Settings" portion of the SITE; this information can be modified at the Member's sole discretion at any time.

XII. Where to Direct Questions about Our Privacy Policy.

If You have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, You may contact us at

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